| The BD FACSAria instrument is the first benchtop flowcytometer with sorter that incorporates a fixed-alignment cuvette flow cell. This new flow cell provides superior fluorescence sensitivity. The fixed optical system offers freedom from instrument maintenance and alignment. It accommodates two air-cooled lasers at 488-nm, 633-nm and analyse 9 parameters simultaneousely. It can achieve Digital acquisition rates of up to 70,000 events/second. At present we are performing following tests on this machine:
- Leukemia immunophenotyping.
- Diagnosis of Paroxysmal Haemoglobinuria.
- Analysis of major and minor lymphocyte subsets.
- Diagnosis of platelet function defects.
- Diagnosis of different primary immunodeficiency disorders.
- Diagnosis of red cell membrane defects.
- Characterization of haematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells.
- Sorting of fetal NRBCs from maternal blood.
- Sorting of lymphocytes and neutrophils.
- Sorting of CD34 positive cells.
- dkslk