Tests performed by the Department of Pediatric Immunology & Leukocyte Biology
Lymphocyte subset analysis: |
T cells and their subsets:
- T helper (CD4+)/ T cytotoxic (CD8+)
- Naïve (CCR7+/CD62L+/CD27+/CD45RA+)
- Memory (CCR7+/CD62L+/CD27+/CD45RA-)
- Effector (CCR7-/CD62L-/CD27-/CD45RA-)
- TEMRA (CCR7+/CD62L+/CD27+/CD45RA-)
- TsCM (CCR7+CD45RA+CD28+CD95+)
- CD8+CD28-Tcell
- Senescent (CD57+CD28-)
- Exhausted (PD1+/Tim3+)
- T follicular helper (CXCR5+CD45RA-PD1+)
- Th1/ Tc1 like (CXCR3+CCR4-)
- Th2/Tc2 like (CXCR3-CCR4+CCR6-)
- Th17/ Tc17like (CCR4+CCR6+CCR10-)
- Th9(CCR4-CCR6+)
- Th22 (CCR4+CCR10+CCR6+)
- Recent thymic emigrants (CD31+CD62L+CD45RA+)
- ab + T cell (GD-)
- gd + T cell (GD+)
Regulatory T cells and their subsets:
- Treg (CD4/CD8) (CD25++CD127-/low)
- Memory
- Treg (CD95+CCR4+CD45RAlowHLADR+)
- Naïve Treg (CD45RA+CCR4-/lowCD95-)
- V beta repertoire analysis
B cells and their subsets:
- Naïve (CD27-IgD+)
- Memory (CD27+IgD+)
- Class switched memory (CD27-IgM-IgD-)
- Germinal centre (CD27+IgD-)
- Marginal zone (CD27+IgD+IgM+)
- IgM only memory (CD27+IgD-IgM+)
- CD 21 low (CD21-/CD38-)
- Plasmablast (CD27+CD24+CD38+)
- Activated B cell (CD95+CD38-)
- B reg (CD24++CD38++)
- Transitional 1 (CD27-IgD+ CD24+ CD10+ CD38+)
- Transitional 2 (CD27-IgD+CD10-CD38+)
- Transitional 3 (CD27-IgD+CD10-CD38-)
DNT cells and their subsets:
- B220+ : proliferative DNTs
- CD27+CD28+ : Naïve DNTs
- CD45RA-CD27-: Effectors DNTs
- CD57+KLRG1- : senescent DNTs
Surface protein expression for the diagnosis of specific IEIS:
- Btk: X-linked agammaglobulinemia
- CD127: IL-7 receptor a deficiency
- CD132: X-linked SCID
- CD18/CD11a/CD11b /CD11c: LAD-I
- CD40: AR Hyper IgM syndrome
- CD40L: X-linked HyperIgM syndrome
- DOCK 8: DOCK-8 deficiency
- WASp: Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome
- p47, p22, p67: Chronic Granulomatous Disease
- IL12Rb1: MSMD
- CTLA4: CTLA4 haploinsufficiency
- LRBA: LRBA deficiency
- Perforin: FHL2
- FoxP3: IPEX syndrome
- NKg2D expression : XMEN syndrome
Functional Assays:
- pSTAT1, pSTAT3, pSTAT4, pSTAT5
- Granule release assay
- Apoptosis assay
- CD154 expression
- CD62L shedding
- RBC ADA levels
- T cell proliferation by PHA and anti CD3 and CD28
Other specialized tests:
- T cell- V beta repertoire
- Immunoglobulin levels: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE levels
- IgG subclass analysis (IgG2 and IgG4) and specific antibody responses (anti-tetanus antibodies and anti-typhoid antibodies)
- Complement system evaluation: CH50 and AH50
Tests performed by the Department of Tests by Cytogenetics
- Karyotyping from Blood and Bone marrow
- Chromosomal breakage investigation for Fanconi anemia
- Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Myelodysplastic syndrome and other genetic diseases
- RT-PCR, Tyrosine kinase domain mutations (TKD) in CML
- Molecular diagnosis of Fanconi?s anemia and other Inherited Bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFS)
- Prenatal diagnosis of Fanconi anemia
Tests performed by the Department of Clinical & Experimental Immunology
- Antinuclear Antibody (IFA) test
- Anti -double stranded DNA antibody (Anti- ds DNA) (IFA) test
- Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) (IFA) test
- ANA profile 3(IgG) (ANA Blot) Immunoblot Test
- Anti-MPO, -PR3, and anti-GBM(IgG) (ANCA Blot) Immunoblot Test
- Anti-Desmoglein 1(Dsg1) antibody (IgG) (DSG1)
- Anti- Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) antibody (IgG) (DSG3)
- Anti-BP180 antibody(IgG) (BP180)
- Anti-BP230 antibody (IgG) (BP-230)
Tests performed by the Department of Haematogenetics
- Detection of Haemoglobinopathies
- Alpha Thai Workup
- Beta Thai Workup
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies (Family)
- Red Cell Enzyme Assay
- Red Cell Membrane Study
- Methemoglobin Workup
- Prenatal Diagnosis for rare Enzymopathy, membranopat hy and recessive congenital methemoglobinemia
- G6PD Screening
- Congenital Dyserythropeotic Anemia Workup
- Unstable Hb Workup
- KB Staining
- Alpha triplication study
- Gilbert Syndrome
- Unstable Hb
- Alpa & Beta Thal Workup
- RBC Membarance & Enzyme Study
Tests performed by the Department of Haemostasis and Thrombosis
- Screening Coagulation- Prothrombin Time (PT)
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
Thrombin Time (TT)
- Factor Inhibitor Screening
- Nijmegen Modified Bethesda Assay (NBA)
- Common Factor Assays: FVIII/FIX
- Rare Factor Assays: F II,FV,FVII,FX,FXI,FXII
- Platelet Receptors: GP IIBIIIA(CD41a),GP IX(CD42a) , GP IB(CD42b) ,Fibrinogen(FIB), GP IIB(CD41),GPIIIA(CD61)
- Von Willebrand factor (VWF)Antigen Rocket
- Von Willebrand factor (VWF)Antigen Automated
- Ristocetin Cofactor assay (RiCof)
- Factor XIII Urea Clot Lysis
- Fibrinogen
- Thrombophilia : Free protein S Level ,Protein C Activity, Antithrombin Activity, Factor V Leiden Mutation
- ADAMTS 13 activity
- Human Complement Factor H assay(CFH)
- Anti- Complement Factor H assay(Anti-CFH)
- Human Complement Factor I assay(CFI)
- Alpha 2 Antiplasmin
- Carrier Diagnosis Of Haemophilia And Other Bleeding Disorders: Known Mutations (by direct sequencing)
- Carrier Diagnosis Of Haemophilia And Other Bleeding Disorders: Unknown Mutations (by direct sequencing)
- Antenatal Diagnosis For Haemophilia and Other bleeding disorders: Known Mutations (by direct sequencing)
- Antenatal Diagnosis For Haemophilia and Other bleeding disorders: Unknown Mutations (by direct sequencing)
- Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) Genotyping
Tests performed by the Department of Transfusion Medicine
- Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin test (DAT/IAT)
- Blood group confirmation
a. Bombay blood group
b. ABO weaker variant
c. RhD variant
- ABO antibody Titre
- RhD antibody Titre
- Rh Zygosity
- Antibody study
- Autoimmne Hemolytic Anemia whole workup (Blood grouping, DAT, IAT, Genotyping, Eution of antibody, Antibody identification)
- Extended antigen profile by molecular assay
Tests performed by the Department of Transfusion Transmitted Diseases
- HBeAg (Hepatitis B `e` antigen)
- Anti HBs titre (Hepatitis B surface antibody titre)
- Anti-HBc IgM/IgG (Hepatitis B core antibody IgM/IgG)
- HBV DNA/ HCV RNA (Hepatitis B/ Hepatitis C viral load)
- HCV genotyping (Hepatitis C virus genotyping)
- Family screening for HBsAg and anti-HBc
- HBV profile (HBeAg + HBV DNA)