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आय सी एम आर - राष्ट्रीय प्रतिरक्षा रुधिर विज्ञान संस्थान ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology |
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Sr.No. | Particulars | Vol. & No. | Months | Year |
1 | Next-generation sequencing- Improves the diagnosis and management of patients with Congenital anemia - Rashmi Dongerdiye and Prabhakar Kedar | 51(1) | Jan-Apr | 2020 |
2 | Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS) 2 - Priyanka Setia | 51(2) | May-Aug | 2020 |
3 | Serological & molecular techniques for RhD typing and their role in the identification of D variants - Garima Mishra | 51 (3) | Sep-Dec | 2020 |
4 | Fibrinolysis and risk of Venous Thrombosis: An overview- by Aniket Prabhudesai | 50 (1) | Jan-Apr | 2019 |
5 | Spliceosomal Mutations in Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Its Therapeutic Implications- An Overview - Purvi Mohanty | 50(2) | May-Aug | 2019 |
6 | SLIM21: Unique Library Software- Vijay Padwal, Amruta Mahale & Gauri Kesarkar | 50 (3) | Sep-Dec | 2019 |
7 | DARC : Structure, Function and Disease Pathophysiology - Roshan Shaikh | 49 (1) | Jan - April | 2018 |
8 | Protein Glycosylation in Hepatitis B Related Liver Diseases - Kruti Bhavik Dalal | 49(2) | May - August | 2018 |
9 | Chronic Granulamatous Disease- Manasi Kulkarni | 49(3) | Sep-Dec | 2018 |
10 | Adipokines: the new players of inflammatory response in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Durga Chougule | 48(1) | Jan-April | 2017 |
11 | Early prediction of preeclampsia using combination of plasma microparticles and serum biomarkers - Anshul Jadli | 48 (2) | May-Aug | 2017 |
12 | Genetic modulators of fetal hemoglobin- Priya Hariharan & Anita Nadkarni | 48(3) | Sept-Dec | 2017 |
13 | Molecular genotyping of blood group antigens | 47(1) | Jan-April | 2016 |
14 | Hepatitis C Infection : Prevalence, Diagnosis and Treatment - An Overview - Priya Yabaji | 47(2) | May-Aug | 2016 |
15 | Fanconi anemia: A multispectrum disease - Avani Solanki | 47(3) | Sep-Dec | 2016 |
16 | The genetic basis of hyperbilirubinemia- Chiddawar A | 46(1) | Jan-Apr | 2015 |
17 | Warfarin pharmacogenetics: Implications for personalized medicine - Tejasvita Gaikwad | 46(2) | May-Aug | 2015 |
18 | Neonatal Sepsis: An Overview - Martin S | 46(3) | Sep-Dec | 2015 |
19 | Imatinib resistant chronic myeloid leukemia and therapeutic approach- Vaidya S | 45(1) | Jan-Apr | 2014 |
20 | Neonatal screening and natural history of sickle cell disease- Upadhye D | 45(2) | May-Aug | 2014 |
21 | Circulating cell-derived procoagulant microparticles in women with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss- Patil R | 45(3) | Sep-Dec | 2014 |
22 | Cytogenetic and molecular changes in myelodysplastic syndromes- Korgaonkar SA A Novel elisa for diagnosis of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia and the heterozygote carriers- Lobo V | 44(1) | Jan-Apr | 2013 |
23 | Contribution of National Institute of Immunohaematology (NIIH) on Tribal Health Research- Mukherjee MB | 44(2) | May-Aug | 2013 |
24 | Celluler signaling using multi parametric flow cytometry: a learner's guide- Garg S | 44(3) | Sep-Dec | 2013 |
25 | Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPS)in Human Health and Diseases- Chaudhary AK Rapid Flow Cytometric test using EOSIN-5' – Maleimide dye for the diagnosis of Red Blood Cell membrane disorders- Kedar PS | 43(1-2) | Jan-Aug | 2012 |
26 | Red Cell Membrane Protein Disorders- Warang P A two tube assay for detecting mild to moderate deficiency of Factor XIII- Shanbhag S | 43(3) | Sep-Dec | 2012 |
27 | History of National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR)-Ghosh K | 42(1-3) | Jan-Dec | 2011 |
28 | Dr. H.M. Bhatia Oration- Some lessons from the interface of Genetics and Hematology | Vol. XXXXI(1) | Jan-Apr | 2010 |
29 | Rhesus blood group system- structure and function | Vol.XXXXI(2) | May-Aug | 2010 |
30 | Dr. H.M. Bhatia Oration- The Hemoglobinopathies-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease: Paths of Progress- David G. Nathan (President Emeritus, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston USA. | Vol.XXXX(1) | Jan-Apr | 2009 |
31 | The Use of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Disease | Vol. XXXX(2) | May-Aug | 2009 |
32 | Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: Clinical features, pathogenesis and treatment | Vol.XXXX(3) | Sep-Dec | 2009 |
33 | a) Dr. Kanjaksha Ghosh, Institute of Immunohematology (IIH) becomes National Institute of Immunohematology (NIIH) b) Maya Gupta, Manisha Madkaikar, Recent Trends in diagnosis of Paroxysmal nocturnal h | XXXIX (1) | Jan-Apr | 2008 |
34 | Dr. V. Babu Rao, Genetic and Molecular pathology of Fanconi Anemia | XXXIX (2) | May-Aug | 2008 |
35 | Immunogenetics of ANCA associated vasculitis (AAV) review | Vol. XXXIX(3) | Sept-Dec | 2008 |
36 | Coagulation disorders seen through the window of molecular biology | XXXVIII (1) | Jan-Apr | 2007 |
37 | The complexities of the ABO blood group system (past & present) | XXXVIII (2) | May-Aug | 2007 |
38 | Human red cell pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency | XXXVIII (3) | Sep-Dec | 2007 |
39 | Hereditary hemolytic anemia due to Pyruvate kinase deficiency (The XVIII Dr. H M Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXVII (1) | Jan-April | 2006 |
40 | Non invasive prenatal diagnosis – A Review | XXXVII (2) | May-Aug | 2006 |
41 | Arrray comparative genomic hybridization - An efficient tool for genome analysis | XXXVII (3) | Sept-Dec | 2006 |
42 | Strategies for ensuring safe and blood products (The XVII Dr.H M Bhatia memorial oration) | XXXVI (1) | Jan-April | 2005 |
43 | Human platelet specific antigens and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (NAITP) | XXXVI (2) | May-Aug | 2005 |
44 | Immunodiagnosis of some rheumatic and autoimmune diseases : An overview | XXXVI (2) | Sept-Dec | 2005 |
45 | Current status of understanding biology and management of chronic myeloid leukemia (The XVI Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXV (1) | Jan-Apr | 2004 |
46 | Concepts of confocal microscopy | XXXV (2) | May-Aug | 2004 |
47 | Fetal hemoglobin levels in adults | XXXV (3) | Sept-Dec | 2004 |
48 | Indian and genetic diversity in the genomic era: implications in health & disease (The XV Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXIII (2) | Jan-Apr | 2003 |
49 | Molecular genetics of sickle cell disease : an overview | XXXIV (2) | May-Aug | 2003 |
50 | Umbilical cord blood: biology of hematopoietic stem cells and their applications | XXXIV (3) | Sept-Dec | 2003 |
51 | My Experiences from Blood Components to Fractionation at KEM Hospital, Mumbai and SGPGIMS, Lucknow.(The XIV Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXIII (1) | Jan-Apr | 2002 |
52 | Air Travel & Deep Vein Thrombosis | XXXIII (2) | May-Aug | 2002 |
53 | Diagnostic assays for detection of HIV infection | XXXIII (3) | Sept-Dec | 2002 |
54 | Allogenic bone marrow transplantation : looking back and planning ahead (The XIII Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXII (1) | Jan- April | 2001 |
55 | ANCA-Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies and their role in vasculitis associated kidney disorders | XXXII (3) | May-Aug | 2001 |
56 | Monoclonal antibodies – An overview | XXXII (3) | Sept-Dec | 2001 |
57 | Health Problems of Tribal Population Groups from the State of Maharashtra (The XII Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXXI (1) | Jan-Apr | 2000 |
58 | Resolving problems in pre transfusion investigations in blood group serology | XXXI (3) | Sept-Dec | 2000 |
59 | Progress in Technology for detection of mutations in hematological disorders | XXX (1) | Jan-April | 1999 |
60 | Bone Marrow density study in Patients with Thalassemia Major- A Preliminary Evaluation (The XI Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXX (2) | May-Aug | 1999 |
61 | Hemophilia- From diagnosis to prevention | XXX (3) | Sept-Dec | 1999 |
62 | An overview of the blood programme in India and the need for revamping (The X Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXIX (1) | Jan-April | 1998 |
63 | Donor selection for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation | XXIX (2) | May-Aug | 1998 |
64 | Prevention of Rh alloimmunization and management of Rh (D) haemolytic disease of the newborn by Intrauterine transfusion | XXIX (3) | Sept-Dec | 1998 |
65 | Bone marrow transplantation for thalassemia (The IX Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXVIII (1) | Jan-June | 1997 |
66 | Chromosomal changes in acute leukemia | XXVIII (2) | July-Dec | 1997 |
67 | Pretransplant blood transfusions in renal transplantation—Are They Beneficial? | XXVII (1) | Jan-Jun | 1996 |
68 | Cell Adhesion molecules in Haemopoiesis | XXVII (2) | Jul-Dec | 1996 |
69 | Current concepts in the immunology of allograft rejection | XXVI (1) | Jan-Apr | 1995 |
70 | Megaloblastosis, a morphologic expression of molecular derangementsin DNA and histone biosynthesis (The VI Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXVI (2&3) | May-Dec | 1995 |
71 | Blood transfusion (Red Cell) practices and policy for the Neonate | XXV (1) | Jan-Apr | 1994 |
72 | Apoptosis | XXV (2) | May-Aug | 1994 |
73 | The Haemopoietic progenitor cell | XXV (3) | Sept-Dec | 1994 |
74 | Glucose-6- Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency and its variants in India ( The V Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXIV (1-3) | Jan-Jun | 1993 |
75 | The Anti-Idiotype network in systemic lupus erythematosus – A Review | XXIV (4) | Jul-Sept | 1993 |
76 | Recent advances in the management of Rh Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) | XXIV (5) | Oct-Dec | 1993 |
77 | Highlights of the XVIth Annual conference of the Bombay Haematology group (BHG) | XXIII (1) | Jan-Feb | 1992 |
78 | Molecular approaches to the detection of agents in persistent viral infections (The IV Dr.H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXIII (2) | Mar-Apr | 1992 |
79 | Quality assurance in blood bank | XXIII (3) | May-Jun | 1992 |
80 | Preventive Hematology | XXIII (4) | July-Aug | 1992 |
81 | Autologus Transfusion | XXIII (5) | Sep-Oct | 1992 |
82 | Hematopoietic growth factors : Colony stimulating factors | XXIII (6) | Nov-Dec | 1992 |
83 | A report on blood banking in India | XXII (1) | Jan-Mar | 1991 |
84 | Erythrocytes G6PD deficiency and its variants in West Bengal (The IIIrd Dr. H. M.Bhatia memorial oration) | XXII (2) | Apr-Jun | 1991 |
85 | Genetic red cell defects and malaria | XXII(3-4) | July-Dec | 1991 |
86 | 1)Studies on some aspects of the HLA system 2) HLA studies at the Cancer Research Institute (The Second Dr. H.M.Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XXI (1) | Jan-Mar | 1990 |
87 | Preliminary report of blood component therapy (CT) experience at K.E.M. blood bank | XXI (2) | Apr- June | 1990 |
88 | Monoclonal antibodies in Hematology : Some less known facts | XXI (3) | July-Sept | 1990 |
89 | World congress on AIDS – Some highlights and update | XXI (4) | Oct-Dec | 1990 |
90 | Recent developments in transfusion medicine (The first Dr. H. M. Bhatia Memorial Oration) | XX (1) | Jan-Feb | 1989 |
91 | Community control of β-thalassemia | XX (2) | Mar-Apr | 1989 |
92 | Antibody dependent cell mediated phagocytosis and cytolysis | XX (3) | May-June | 1989 |
93 | The H antigen of the ABO blood group system | XX (4) | Jul-Aug | 1989 |
94 | AIDS and HIV infection: An Epidemiological overview | XX (5) | Sep-Oct | 1989 |
95 | Health education in sickle cell disease | XX (6) | XX (6) | 1989 |
96 | Genetics and epidemiology of Sickle cell anemia in India | XIX (1) | Jan-Feb | 1988 |
97 | Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy – an alternate approach in the treatment of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) | XIX (2) | Mar-April | 1988 |
98 | The red cell membrane and it's vesiculation | XIX (3) | May-Jun | 1988 |
99 | Structure and genetic aspects of the HLA systems | XIX (4) | July-Aug | 1988 |
100 | Institute of Immunohaematology – referral services | XIX (5) | Sep-Oct | 1988 |
101 | Neonatal thrombocytopenia | XIX (6) | Nov-Dec | 1988 |
102 | Genetic parameters: Biologic and epidemiologic significance | XVIII (1) | Jan-Feb | 1987 |
103 | Application of recombinant DNA technology for gene mapping of immunoglobulins | XVIII (2) | Mar-Apr | 1987 |
104 | C1q the first complement component -A review | XVIII (3) | May-June | 1987 |
105 | Chemistry of FVIII molecule | XVIII (4) | July-Aug | 1987 |
106 | Platelet transfusion and thrombocytopenic haemorrhagic disorders | XVII (1) | Jan-Feb | 1986 |
107 | Hodgkin's disease: historical perspective current status and future directions | XVII (2) | Mar-Apr | 1986 |
108 | Prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies | XVII (3) | May-Jun | 1986 |
109 | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome,(AIDS) its impact on blood transfusion services | XVII (4) | Jul – Aug | 1986 |
110 | Immunoblotting in Immunohaematology | XVII (5) | Sept-Oct | 1986 |
111 | ELISA Today | XVII (6) | Nov-Dec | 1986 |
112 | Human blood | XVI (1) | Jan-Feb | 1985 |
113 | Preparation and function of platelet components made in glass bottles. | XVI (2) | Mar-Apr | 1985 |
114 | Outline of biochemical changes of blood coagulation and coagulation disorders | XVI (3) | May-June | 1985 |
115 | Red cell serology in blood bank: an excercise in quality control | XVI (4) | July-Aug | 1985 |
116 | Immunofluorescent techniques in immunohaematology | XVI (5) | Sep-Oct | 1985 |
117 | Preservation of red cells in pilot tubes in blood banks. | XVI (6) | Nov-Dec | 1985 |
118 | Distribution of some genetic markers with special reference to Western India. | XV (1) | Jan-Feb | 1984 |
119 | HLA, Biological anthropology and India. | XV (2) | Mar-Apr | 1984 |
120 | Immunohaematological aspects of the complement system. | XV (3) | May-June | 1984 |
121 | Profile of immune response in iron deficiency system. | XV (4) | July-Aug | 1984 |
122 | Impact of the HLA system on immunogenetic research. | XV (5) | Sep-Oct | 1984 |
123 | Recent concepts in management of Rh haemolytic disease of the newborn. | XV (6) | Nov-Dec | 1984 |
124 | Discrepancies in ABO grouping | XIV (1) | Jan-Feb | 1983 |
125 | Data analysis of HBsAg testing workshop | XIV (2) | Mar-Apr | 1983 |
126 | Cell surface marker studies using monoclonal antibodies | XIV (3) | May-June | 1983 |
127 | Atypical blood group antibodies in blood group transfusion practice | XIV (4) | July-Aug | 1983 |
128 | 2 nd HLA workshop on serum screening quality control. | XV (5) | Sept-Oct | 1983 |
129 | Application of cell separator machines | XV (6) | Nov-Dec | 1983 |
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